ASL Articles

ASL Deafined has the following free articles available about American Sign Language, which contain some great information, and some of the most commonly asked questions. We often get asked how to learn ASL, how our video classes and courses work, how you can get started teaching sign language, and we are constantly telling people about the benefits of learning ASL.

Top 4 benefits of knowing ASL as a hearing person

A common misconception is that the only people who should learn American Sign Language (ASL) are those who are Deaf.

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Why an Online ASL Program is More Effective Than a Textbook

Everybody learns differently. Some of us are verbal learners, others are aural learners, others are visual learners, and so forth.

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Tips for Hearing Parents with Deaf Children

There’s no denying it- having a Deaf child as a hearing parent can be extremely challenging. This isn’t because there

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The Importance of having an ASL dictionary App

While our society is becoming more inclusive of the Deaf community, there are still shortages when it comes to accessible

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Results of the Shortage of Interpreters for the Deaf

There are many different ways for those in the Deaf community to interact with the hearing world and everyone has

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American Sign Language (ASL) recognized as World Language

American Sign Language is a complex language with a rich history, but only recently have linguists and institutions recognized it

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American Sign Language in High School

Should students be able to study American Sign Language in high school? Today, the answer is a resounding yes! Educators

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5 Careers Deaf Professionals Have Rocked!

What jobs can a deaf or hard of hearing person hold? As it turns out, just about anything! Today, deaf

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5 Things You Didn’t Know About Deaf Culture

Most of us only encounter a few deaf people in the course of our lives. We may be oblivious to

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Mainstream Deaf Students

It wasn’t long ago that most deaf or hard of hearing children attended residential deaf schools. In residential deaf schools,

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Why You Should Teach Your Baby American Sign Language ?

If you’re a parent, you’ll know that one of the most frustrating things is not being able to understand your

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American Sign Language Is Not English

“Are you bilingual?” a teacher asks Jennifer, a junior in high school. “Yes, I speak English and American Sign Language,”

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Who Uses American Sign Language?

Most people don’t realize how many people use American Sign Language in the U.S. Most hearing individuals only encounter a

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Shortage of ASL Interpreters

Statistics Show Disturbing Shortage American Sign Language Interpreters Members of the deaf community are having trouble accessing American Sign Language

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The Pros & Cons of Learning ASL Online

The Pros and Cons of Learning ASL Online Today anyone can learn American Sign Language—if they have WiFi. If you

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The Founder of American Sign Language & First Deaf School in America

Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet (1787-1851) Ask any American if they know the name Gallaudet and its claim to fame and sadly

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Certified American Sign Language Interpreters

Certified American Sign Language Interpreters There are definite advantages to learning sign language for anyone interested in becoming more involved

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Lipreading Easy?

Lipreading Easy?   Earlier we spoke about general myths that many have about the deaf, and one area that people

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Sign Language in the Workplace

Sign language in the workplace is becoming more prevalent as the number of people increases who are hearing impaired, or

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Top Reasons to Learn ASL

As American Sign Language (ASL) has increased in its popularity and usage, so too has the number of reasons to

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The Benefits of Learning American Sign Language Online

If you’re interested in learning American Sign Language (ASL), the first major choice you need to make is whether you

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Teaching Sign Language: How to Start a Rewarding Career

The demand for Sign Language teachers is at an all time high. American Sign Language continues to rise in popularity,

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Frequently Asked Questions About Online ASL

With the advent of distance education, you can now learn just about anything if you have internet access. American Sign

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Enjoy the Flexibility of an Online American Sign Language Course

From deaf students and parents with deaf children to the community at large, everyone can enjoy the freedom of learning

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Improve Communication and Enhance Motor Skills with Sign Language for Children

Whenever you think of Sign Language for children, you probably only think of it in the context of deaf children

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How to Learn Sign Language

Sign Language is quickly becoming one of the most popular languages to learn. There are a number of great reasons

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Choosing an American Sign Language Course

Congratulations! You’ve decided to learn Sign Language. Whether you’re deaf, have a deaf child, want to use Sign Language to

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