Purchase Order Procedure & Receiving Student Logins

At ASLdeafined, we accept purchase orders from schools and organizations.  Below is the process of submitting a purchase order.

Procedure for submitting a purchase order:

  1. After deciding to purchase ASLdeafined, submit your purchase order to
  2. Once your purchase order is received, the desired number of logins will be immediately emailed.  (we don’t need your classroom roster).
  3. Then, an invoice will be generated and sent.

Distributing logins to your students:

  1. After receiving logins for your students, the easiest way is to cut the logins into strips and pass them out.
  2. Once your students login for the first time, they will be prompted to change their username and password.
  3. When students are changing their login preferences, their username and email address has to be unique to our system.
  4. I tell the students to use the convention, CLASS PERIOD (dot) LAST NAME (dot) FIRST NAME.  This makes it easier to find in case someone forgets their password.
  5. As a teacher, you will have the ability to log into any of your student’s account by hovering over the word, “student” on your Dashboard and clicking on their name.

Teacher login compared to a student login:

  1. As a teacher, your login is different than your students in several ways.  You will see the following information when you login:
    • Teacher Lesson plans
    • Teacher Resource Folder
    • Ability to log into any of your student’s account

Please click on the link below to fill out your classroom requests.

School Request & Pricing Form
