The Importance of having an ASL dictionary App

While our society is becoming more inclusive of the Deaf community, there are still shortages when it comes to accessible resources. Similarly, there are few accessible resources for hearing people who want to learn American Sign Language (ASL). There are a wide variety of reasons as to why someone would want to learn ASL. For some, it’s out of necessity because they are hard of hearing or Deaf. For others, they may have a Deaf friend or family member that they want to be able to communicate with more easily. And for some, they want to learn ASL language to be able to communicate with a wider group of people. An ASL dictionary app is useful for all of these scenarios. Here is why an ASL dictionary is the best resource for learning American Sign Language:


There’s no denying that an ASL dictionary in the form of an app is extremely convenient. You don’t need to lug around a heavy dictionary or even bring your laptop with you. Instead, you can rely on your smartphone. While you’re on your daily commute or have a few minutes of free time during your day, you can study ASL on the dictionary app.


ASLdeafined’s ASL dictionary app is very interactive. There are over 15,000 words in the dictionary and they all come with a video example of how to perform the correct sign. Instead of reading a typical dictionary, an ASL dictionary app allows you to learn ASL in a fun and interactive way.


There are a few ASL dictionary apps, but none quite as innovative, effective, and affordable as the ASLdeafined app. You can gain access to over 15,000 video dictionary terms and a full list of ASL lessons for only $10 per year. This small investment can help you to learn an entirely new language quickly and easily.


An ASL dictionary app can be used for several different purposes. First, those who are Deaf can use the app to learn ASL. Second, those who are hearing but want to learn ASL to communicate with the Deaf community can use the app. Third, members of the Deaf community can use the dictionary app to communicate with hearing people in their daily lives instead of using gestures or writing.

At ASLdeafined, we are passionate about helping others learn ASL language and find out more about Deaf culture. We want to make learning ASL as convenient, accessible, and effective as possible, which is why we created our ASLdeafined ASL dictionary app. This app, available for both iPhone and Android, allows you to keep a wealth of ASL knowledge in your pocket. Even if you partake in our online ASL lessons, the ASL dictionary app is extremely helpful for when you’re out and about and need to remember a certain word or if you want to get some extra studying in. If you’re interested in purchasing our ASL dictionary app, simply type “asldeafined” into the search bar on either the Apple Store or the Google Play Store.
