Many words have multiple meanings, or multiple use. For example, the word “running” could be used in the following sentences, but with a different meaning each time:
1. The engine is running.
2. The faucet was left running.
3. Her nose is running.
4. Who is running the store while the owner is away?
5. The students are running around the track.
Now that you have the idea, here are a few more examples about “driving”:
1. Mary is driving her mother to the store.
2. Mary’s mother is driving her crazy.
3. The workers are driving the posts into the ground.
And a few more examples of “On”
1. The water was left on.
2. On a clear day, you can see for miles.
3. The man’s speech went on forever.
4. The mother asked her kids to put on some clean clothes.
As you can see, words can have a multitude of meanings. Consequently, when you sign the word, make sure you are using the right concept for that word.