Thirteen locations are used to distinguish signs in ASL:
(Click on the blue-underlined word to see the examples)
1. The whole face or head – Example: appearance
2. The upper face (forehead or brow) – Example: summer
3. The mid face (eyes or nose) – Example: see
4. The lower face (chin or mouth) – Example: talk
5. The side face (cheek, temple, or ear) – Example: deaf
6. The neck – Example: thirsty
7. The trunk (shoulders, chest, and belly) – Example: my
8. The upper arm – Example: hospital
9. The forearm (including the elbow) – Example: cracker
10. The inside of the wrist – Example: nurse
11. The back of the wrist – Example: work
12. The open hand – Example: help
13. The back of hand – Example: principal