Let’s Get Started

ASLdeafined offers 3 areas, or groups, of lessons, depending on your specific interest: (1) For those who wish to learn sign language because of a personal interest, (2) for parents of Deaf children, and (3) for Deaf individuals, desiring to strengthen both their ASL and English skills, collectively.

ASLdeafined contains over 300 themed lessons, regardless of what group you select. You can choose your group preference from the 3 listed above, that best fits your need. The yearly fee is $12 for educational users, and for personal users, $36.00 a year. The APP is included in both subscription prices.

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Our blog is filled with information about famous deaf people

Multiple Meanings

Multiple Meaning Words are also known as “Concept Words”

Tips and Grammar

Learn about the features of American Sign Language

Theme Lessons

There are over 300 (BEGINNER to ADVANCE PLUS) lessons

Retention Activities

Activities for completion have been designed that will support

Progress Chart

Each subscriber to ASLdeafined will have their own personal Progress


You now have the capability to search over 15,000 + video words


My Vocabulary

With “My Vocabulary”, you can save all of your favorite words easily


Save your favorite pages throughout our website with
